
Sunday, May 9, 2010

the best present - ever.

I am ecstatic to report that mother nature was simply holding out on me so that she, the dear that she she is, could deliver the best present possible to me on Mother's Day. Oh yeah, that's right! The physical reassurance that I am not a Mommy to the fourth power... at least not this month, and that? I'll take.
In fact, I may even buy a cake, hang streamers, and invite the entire freaking neighborhood. Because this my friends? Is something worth celebrating. Poor Aunt Flo gets such a bad rap... but if more ladies considered the alternative...
well, let's just say I wouldn't be the only one whistling "If I knew you were comin' I'd a baked a cake."


Mama4Real said...

Congratulations, EXCEPT, I thought you wanted another one!?!?

pesti_cupcake said...

*lol* I remember your stance on motherhood at age 16. You've come a long way to come all the way back again. :p

Also - nice video. I'm glad I'm not the only one who multi-apostrophesizes words.


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